Saturday 25 August 2007

Dreams Do Come True

I'm so sore and tired right now, but for good reason: We went to Disneyland yesterday! At first Maya wasn't very interested in doing or seeing anything and I was afraid she was going be that way the whole day. Every ride or character we saw, she just wanted to sit in her stroller and sucked her thumb. We finally convinced her to go get her picture taken with Winnie the Pooh. After she got that hug from Winnie, she totally changed her outlook and was so excited about everything. Everything we mentioned, she wanted to do. We went on so many rides, a couple of them twice, and walked all over the park. We also saw two or three of the 3-D movies, which seem to be a favorite of Josh.

Maya's favorite ride was It's A Small World but her favorite thing all day was the lunch we had at Ariel's Grotto (which is actually in the California Adventure Park just adjacent to Disneyland). We found out about this special lunch they have there where you go and eat while all of the princesses walk around and stop by your table. Maya got to see Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Belle, and even got to meet Cinderlla's Fairy Godmother! She was so excited she could barely sit long enough to eat her food. All of the princesses were very nice, even as Maya subjected them to her long drawn out story of how she lost her last blankie at a baseball game.

We stayed long enough to see some of the fireworks being set off and Sleeping Beauty's castle lit up at night time. Maya was very excited to see Tinkerbell flying all around during the show as it seems that Tinkerbell is now her favorite character. By the time we left, Josh and I could barely move but it didn't matter because Maya had an awesome time there. As she went to sleep last night she lovingly clutched her new Tinkerbell doll in her arms and I'm sure dreamed about princesses and fairies as she slept. Proof to me that dreams really do come true.

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