When I was in Turkey I mentioned how using a scarf sling saved the day, allowing me to carry Maya on me without having to wear out my arms. She loved being in it and I loved having an alternative way of carrying her. Well, today, I dug through my closets and found my original baby sling that I had gotten when she was a baby. We had gotten it for traveling around without the aid of a stroller and it worked well. After a while I thought she was too big for it but after the trip to Turkey I decided to dust it off and see if it would still work.
There are many brands of slings and carriers out there so you kind of have to find the one you like. I had no idea what a sling was when we bought one but I ended up loving it. I have the NoJo Baby Sling by Dr. Sears*.
NoJo Baby SlingIt has extra padding at the shoulder and around the edges to keep the fabric from digging in which as a bit of a problem for me in Turkey. It's what's referred to as a ring sling because it has the double rings which you weave the strap into to adjust how tight the fabric is around you. I tried holding Maya several different ways and all of them seemed to be comfortable, even when we tested it while wearing our heavy jackets (a true test of what it will be like when walking around Estonia). I could hold her resting on my hip, in a lying down position across my front, and we were even able to figure out how to get her piggy-back on my back (though that position did end up being a bit uncomfortable). Again, she loved being in it. I think she just likes pretending to be a baby but it also allows us to be close to each other a lot which we both like. She's actually almost 10 lbs over the recommended weight limit for the sling (oops) but it still seems to work and she still sits safely in it.
Here's a few pictures of me wearing her when she was younger

*Just to clarify, my opinions are my own and Trunki is in no way affiliated with selling or promoting the NoJo Baby Sling. I just like it.
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