We saw a ridiculous deal on Costco.com for two more of our beloved Heys bags. For $100 we got another small carry on size and a medium size hard sided spinner. Included in that was ANOTHER carry on bag AND a travel day bag. SWEEEEEEET! Now might be a good time to look at luggage prices actually. Stores are probably desperate to offload that kind of stuff right now since so many people have cut back on travel. I'll have to check that out.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
Africa, here we come!
So the Travel Expo was great! Maya had an awesome time checking out all the musical acts, the dive tank (yes I said dive tank), and all the fun swag. Josh and I concentrated on Africa and Asia since those are the places we want to go to the most. We found a great tour company that does family focused safari tours in Botswana with a stop off at Victoria Falls! We're very excited about that. Now all we have to do is get World Cup tickets lol. Anyone have an in with FIFA?
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Labels: Travel, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids, Trunki, Unpacked
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Adventure Travel Expo!
We're off to the DC Adventure Travel Expo today. I can't wait. There are a ton of booths to look at, a few seminars, and loads of other stuff. It should be a lot of fun. We're hoping to scope out a few safari groups but who knows what we'll find! I'll update later with travel goodness.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Trunki Goes Galactic?
No, no, towgo isn't going to space....yet! I've just been thinking a lot lately about the whole commercial space tourism industry. My friends and I have been going back and forth as of late as to what's going to happen to NASA once the shuttles are retired in 2010. I think, in order for NASA to survive, there needs to be a partial commercialization of the space industry. This, of course, means space tourism! Virgin Galactic is already signing people up for suborbital flights and NASA is already banking on there being some kind of commercial space industry in place by the time it's ready to resume lunar missions in 2020.
So...what does this mean for us?! It's a new frontier. One that's horribly, and unimaginably expensive right now, but one that I hope is within the reach of all of us someday. If I had been better at math and science I totally would have tried to become an astronaut. For now, I'll have to survive being a lounge chair shuttle commander drooling over NASA's budget release detailing all their programs. Oh yes, and being a GIANT dork.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Tipu's new friend!
If you haven't already you should saunter on over to trunkitravels.com and check out the footage of Trunki's new Tipu hanging out with all the animals at the Longleat Safari Animal Park. It's soooooo cute!!!! One of the tigers, Soundari, really took a liking to little Tipu and it almost looked as if it thought it was a cub! That, or maybe it thought it was a new toy :D. I'm pretty sure the monkey's had no clue what it was or what to do with it. Congrats to Rob and the gang on another adorable addition to the Trunki family!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
World Cup is Upon Us! Start Planning Now!
Well...at least for those of us who are eagerly awaiting its beginning next summer. For now, we are busying ourselves with watching qualifiers and getting ready to enter our names into the lotteries for tickets. Josh and I are already trying to decide how we're going to map out our vacations for the next 18 months in preparation. Currently, the plan is to go to a match somewhere in the host country of South Africa and then head up to Botswana for an African Safari.
The problem is that this trip is going to be costly. More expensive than China even, mostly due to the cost of the safari. Ths is impacting all of our other trips. Where we go, when we take them, whether or not we should totally leave out a trip somewhere or maybe just Josh go somewhere. Now, I know that our financial status allows us to do things that other people may think is frivolous. But at the same time, these are things that people who are planning trips to other places (or really any major purchase) need to think about. No matter how much money you are planning to spend, you're going to spend money and you have to spend it wisely. One man's safari is another man's trip to Disney.
Planning ahead is vital and it can really help keep the costs down. Think about your finances now, and try to think about the financial possibilities 18 months from now. Is there a chance someone will be out of a job? Can you skimp on other things to make a trip a year from now possible? Is there something closer to home that offers a similar experience at a lower cost? How important is giving your family a vacation in the grand scheme of things? These are all things we consider when planning our travel and because we try to plan these things far in advance, it allows us to take advantage of deals on airlines, hotels, etc. The other advantage is we can budget our money, always keeping our goal in mind. So often I ask myself "Do I really need a new pair of shoes, or can this money be saved towards something more important like an airline ticket?" Hopefully that passed over pair of shoes will help pay for a ride on an elephant!
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Our Economy Stinks...It's Time For a Vacation in Your Mind
Yep, I'm sure it's a surprise to all of you to hear that the American economy is, in fact, in the loo right now. I don't know if we're in a depression or a recession or what. The fact that I'm even saying the word depression is rather sobering. Now I know, I know. Josh and I still take crazy vacations all around the world and I'm sure that loses people's respect some. I do care about what's happening to so many of our people right now, though. Right now, there are people who can't even afford to feed their kids, much less take a trip. And Im afraid that it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Last summer I posted something about staycations. It's something that I think is still relevant today. No matter how much you hide it, stress shows through to your kids. They instinctively know when something is wrong. That's why it's so important for them to find an avenue to, mentally at least, get away. It's vitally important that YOU find a way to mentally get away. Im not talking about spending money on a vacation. But something as simple as going to your local library and getting a picture book of some far off place and imagining all the things you could do there can help take your mind off things. Getting lost pretending to be in a band with your kids while you air guitar to some music on the radio could be the answer. Go out to the woods and pretend to be lost (just don't actually get lost!). Spend time with your kids in any way you can. They need it and you need it. Hunker down and step away from the bills and just laugh, even for a minute. Your nerves will thank you.
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Labels: Children, Kids, Travel, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids, Unpacked
Monday, 16 February 2009
Prague 1 - Prada 0
When people have asked me in the past why I travel so much and make it such a priority in my life I always tell them this: Someday, when I'm old and grey, someone could come and take all my worldly possessions and it would seem that I would be left with nothing. But no one will ever be able to take my memories away from me. That is why I travel. A shirt or a pair of shoes may bring you happiness now, but when you're lying on your deathbed are you going to remember a pair of shoes or an amazing trip you had? Are you going to remember that sweater you got at a department store or the awesome meal you ate in the tiny restaurant where no one could speak English but they still treated you like family? When it comes down to it, our memories and our experiences will always be more worthwhile throughout our lives than anything we buy from the sale rack.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Lost and Found
Today I was going through one of my closets and came across the journal I took with me to Argentina almost 4 years ago. It was fun to read and remember everything that happened while we were gone such as taking the tour of the Teatro de Colon and eating that horrible Cordatta de Portugal in Colonia, Uruguay. The best, though, was reading about the things we had bought, half of which I had completely forgotten about. I was reading about how we had gone into a small sign store and bought a clock, two beer signs and two bathroom signs. I had no clue we had bought those bathroom signs. Luckily, I vaguely remembered where the clock was and everything else we had bought was there with the clock. So, maybe after 4 years of wasting away in our china cabinet, those poor signs will see the light of day!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Making the most of your trip with the help of the Smithsonian Institute
One of the wonderful things about living close to Washington, DC is having the Smithsonian Institutes so close by. They are wonderful museums and are free to the public. Every now and then, I look around their site to see if there is anything good going on that Maya would like and I came across this excellent list of how to make the most of your trip to the Smithsonian. The best part is that this list can really be adapted to any trip you are taking and it really focuses on ways to involve your child in the process.
One of the biggest things I have always told parents who ask me for travel advice is to get your child involved. Make them feel like they are having an influence on what you do or, even better, DO give them influence on what you do. A lot of times, trips that aren't kid centered get nothing but grumbles and groans from the little ones, until you find a way to excite them. Things like The Postcard Game, I Spy, and Where is It? as mentioned in the Smithsonian article are all excellent games that will work anywhere you go. They also have great tips on how to prepare for a trip to the museums (which again is true for anywhere you visit), as well as ways you can keep your child excited after the trip is over.
While you're at the Smithsonian site be sure to check out the rest of it because it's a wonderful teaching resource for children. It's loaded with games and information about all of their exhibits and links to exciting exhibits around the country.
Featured Article: Smithsonian Education: Making the Most of It
Smithsonian Education for Families
The Smithsonian Institute
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Labels: Art, History, Kids, Museum, Museums, Smithsonian, Smithsonian Institute, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids, Unpacked
Thursday, 5 February 2009
I'm not a beach person
But I need a beach now!!!! Heck I'll even take a sunny day that doesn't feel like Im walking around in an industrial strength freezer. Honestly, I think I HAVE walked around in an industrial strength freezer and not been this cold. This morning I patiently waited for my bus for 20 minutes in what had to be negative temperatures only to have it not show. By the time I gave up my fingers were searing with pain. SEARING WITH PAIN I TELL YOU!!!!! Ugh and to think just a month ago I was perusing the balmy weather of Tunisia. Someone get me a tissue, I think Im gonna cry.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Really...it's not that bad
Ugh I was reading a CNN article earlier today written by a woman who clearly has no interest in kids and went on to list all the reasons why. Now, I've got no issues with people who don't want kids. Heck, at one point I wasn't sure I wanted kids. It just bugs me though that, among her other reasons for not having them, traveling was her biggest one. Why? Why is it that so many people detest the thought of traveling with their children? I really want to know. Was it because of a bad experience? Are they afraid it will be a bad experience? It's true that it's not always pretty and I've had my fair share of moments when I just wanted to burst out in tears because I was so tired but really, it's not the end of the world. Your traveling life doesn't have to end just because you've added a little one or even little ones. You don't have to be trapped into a life of lame vacations! Get out! See the world! Don't let diapers stop you! Just buy some when you get there.
Don't give in to the thought that traveling with kids sucks!!!!
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Labels: General, International Travel, Kids, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids, Unpacked
You think you've got it bad....
Check out these poor people! http://www.austriantimes.at/index.php?id=8857
After their Shandong Airlines plane broke down, they were asked to get out and PUSH the plane to the terminal. I will never complain about getting delayed again!
Photo: Europics
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Superdawg: My new happy place
So, apparently, despite all these years of going to Chicago, I've never heard of the world famous Superdawg. I was trolling around the TV channels yesterday and saw that the Travel Channel had an hour long show on the world's best hot dog destinations. Clearly, someone at the Travel Channel is aware of my obsession with chili dogs and knew that I would be watching television yesterday.
Anyway, this place looks fascinating. There is, of course, the famous Superdawg itself. A special recipe dog on a bun with mustard, neon green relish, loads of onions, a fresh tomato and maybe even a few jalapeƱos. Now THAT'S a hot dog. Even better is that 1. it's a drive in (not to be confused with a drive through) and 2. there are giant hot dogs fashioned after the owners on top of the place. Really, who wouldn't want to eat at a place with a giant hot dog in a prehistoric leopard print caveman outfit on top.
I think this would be a great family summer trip. Just drive around to all the famous hot dog joints in the country seeing how quickly you could turn into your own personal salt lick from all the sodium. It's still tough for hot dog makers out there to beat my favorite dog, the Sonic Chili Cheese Footlong Coney dog. They try but really. There's just something about the Sonic dog that is so, so, so good. Maybe it's because I have to wait soooooo long in between meals. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess.
So, story short...I know where I'm eating the next time I'm in Chi-town!