Today was our last full day in Beijing. Tomorrow we leave for Shanghai for two days. After that it's Xi'an and Guilin. These past couple days ahve been pretty relaxing. We took a taxi out to the Summer Palace the other day which was just beautiful. Of course, there were the droves of people wanting pictures with Maya but overall it went well. The Imperial Summer Palace complex is huge with many beautiful buildings and temples the most beautiful of which was the Temple of the Fragrance of Buddha. There was also the beautifully restored Long Corridor which was a covered walkway spanning several hundred feet with over 14,000 intricate paintings on the ceilings.
Yesterday we accomplished almost nothing with the exception of going to the Silk Market. The Silk Market is know world wide for being the place to go for high quality fakes. They had fake everything from Polo Ralph Lauren to Dolce & Gabbana. Going there with Maya proved difficult as she wanted to say hi to anyone and everyone which just got them engaged in conversation. While we didnt stay long we did manage to score and incredible carved wooden mask. It's so awesome. I can't wait to hang it. Maya even got a four faced buddha out of the deal which she was very happy about.
Today was Hou Hai area and the Bei Hai Park area. Maya loved walking around and seeing all the fish. We even got her a little parisol to walk around with.
So far I've been a little disappointed in my findings for things for kids to do. I know there is stuff to do, but it's not as readily accessible as I thought it would be. We've shied away from the zoo and the aquarium just because of worries that the quality wouldnt be that good. Beyond that, Ive not seen one playground. It's really a shame. Hopefully, the other cities we visit will boast more kid friendly areas.
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Saying Goodbye to Beijing
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Labels: Children, China, International Travel, Travel, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
The Great Wall of Maya
Today we took a tour of the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall was absolutely amazing. We got to ride this sort of roller coaster thing up to one of the higher points and then walked up it for a bit. Maya was better today. In fact she did very well as it seemed like the entire population of China wanted to have their picture taken with her while we were walking. I think at first she didn't mind but after a while it got taxing and at times it was a little weird because she would literally attract crowds of people. Im VERY glad that I cut off so much of her hair before we left. I can't imagine what it would have been like if she still had her waist length hair. I know they all meant well and were just doing it for good luck but really after a while I felt like I was a child celebrity's body guard. Looking back I feel kind of bad letting so many people take her picture. She wasnt really scared but I know she got tired of it.
The whole thing with her hair is just very odd to me. The reason why it's so popular is because, in Chinese culture, the color red is very lucky. So I think for them Maya is like a living good luck doll and they all want to be next to her, to touch her hair, to be next to this walking symbol of good luck. In the states, people see her hair and do comment on how pretty it is, but it's not like this. Don't get me wrong, Im not insulted or concerned. It's just weird to be in the position of granting picture after picture after picture to people I can't even talk to. Im not so sure about all those dreams I had of being a movie star when I was a kid now lol.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Entering the Dragon: A Family Trip to China
Well, we've finally made it to China. I didn't get a chance to post before we left because I was so busy getting everything ready for us being gone for two weeks. So far things are good. The flight here was actually pretty good for a 13 hour flight. Maya did pretty well despite asking me to go to the bathroom about 50 times. Once we got here I was amazed at two things. One was how many "western" style stores and buildings there were. It looks like any other major city in the U.S. with one exception, which brings me to my second thing I was amazed at. That is the pollution here. It's horrible. I can't tell if it's overcast today or if I can't see the sun because it's just that smoggy. Even if it is overcast, you can't see further than maybe about a mile or a mile and a half in front of you. After that, everything is enveloped in a thick fog of exhaust and dust.
Maya has only done so so as of yet. We had a lot of trouble getting her into this trip and every time we brought it up she would get mad. Now that we're here, she's been even worse. I'm not sure why she's being this way. I don't know if its just that she's tired from the time change or she really just isnt happy being here. Either way right now it's been kind of miserable for all of us. It's the first trip that she's been this way so it has taken me aback a bit. I can only hope that she starts to enjoy herself because we've got two weeks here. She is getting a bit of the celebrity treatment though because everyone wants a picture with her. We had the funniest experience today. She's learned how to say "nihao" which means hello so, of course, she says it to everyone. At one point she said it to a big group and, en masse, said "nihao!" right back to her. It was hilarious.
One bright spot is our hotel. It's awesome. We're staying at the Park Plaza and we upgraded our room to a suite which is really nice when we're here for a fully week. I feel like a rich person :). Really, though, the two rooms is nice because Josh and I can do other things while Maya takes a nap. There was a great buffet this morning and we all filled up before we went out to the Temple of Heaven which was beautiful. Maya and I even picked up a cool game that people were playing with these rubbery paddles and soft balls. Oh well, off to do more exploring!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
New Years 2008: Tunisia!
Well we just bought the tickets and we're off to Tunis, Tunisia for New Years this year. It should be awesome as Tunis looks beautiful! I can't wait!!!!!
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Travel Immunizations, Better Known As Evil Pain Sticks
So today I took Maya to get her one and only travel immunization for this trip. I got her vaccinated for Hepatitis A. There are no required vaccinations for travel to China, only recommended ones. They are Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Rabies, and Malaria (through taking anti-malarials). I chose to only get Maya the Hepatitis A because it's water and food borne and is much more damaging than Typhoid Fever. The travel consultant actually told me that many pediatricians are now adding Hep A to the list of regular vaccinations for children because it is becoming so prevalent in places like daycares so Im glad I got it for her. All of the others can be avoided through simple but very important procedures such as hand washing and wearing insect repellent that is at least 30% DEET (which is generally safe for children over a year old as long as you wash it off every night).
So back to the appointment... I thought things were going well. When we got to the office Maya realized that everyone was wearing lab coats and asked me if it was a doctor's office. I said "It's a special doctors office for people who are taking trips." She asked me if she had to get a shot and gave me that "Dont lie to me" look so I told her that yes indeed she had to get a shot. She seemed to take it well and was joking and laughing. That is, until we got back in the office and she felt the alcohol swab on her arm. Once she felt the swab, she totally freaked. It eventually took three of us holding her down to give her the shot. I felt so bad. I thought she would get somewhat upset but nothing like how she reacted. It was almost as if we were coming at her with a red hot poker. I was really taken aback by her reaction and now Im dreading getting her up to date on her regular immunizations next week as she has to get 4 shots. She might be getting a tranquilizer for that one because I dont think even numbing the area will work. The very sight of the needle seems to set her off. Ugh. Thankfully after this she should be done with the exception of getting one more Hepatitis A shot which will cover her for life.
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Labels: General, International Travel, Travel, Travel Necessities, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids
Monday, 5 May 2008
Three Weeks Until China!
So our big trip is just three weeks away!
Ive decided Im taking very little clothing and I'll just wash it out a lot. I'm taking three shirts and two pairs of pants. Im taking all long sleeved/long pants that can be rolled up because I want to make sure we have protection in Guilin but I dont want to be taking extra clothing. I was going to buy stuff at REI but man it's just so expensive and old navy has a sale goin on so I got these in this color and a dark grey
and this in khaki, olive grey, and a rusty red color called Indian Clay
I definitely want to get some good quality sneakers though and those might cost a bit. Im also considering getting a travel vest so I'll have something to put my shiznit in while we're walking around. I got Maya two pairs of roll up pants, I just need to get her some lightweight long sleeve shirts. She an I both will benefit from the long sleeve/long pants stuff too because we are both very fair skinned and burn at the very sight of the sun.
Maya has to get at least 6 shots in the next 2 weeks, poor thing. I'm definitely getting her a Hep A shot but Im waffling on the Typhoid. I just dont know if she REALLY needs it but since it's water borne I guess its better to be safe than sorry. They're $80 a pop though so ick. She's already got Hep B and all of her other regular vax I just need to get her her last booster shots which is where the other 4 shots come in. Even with the shots I'll be like the hawk I always am. No fresh fruits or veggies, bottled water only (even for teeth brushing), no ice, no street foods, all meat cooked to within an inch of its life and lots and lots of hand sanitizing.
Most places we've been I havent been too worried about sanitation. Egypt I was a little worried but we did just fine. China has me a little on edge when it comes to sanitation but Im sure it will be ok as well. I think China is a lot like Egypt in that there is this kind of shellac of niceness that is put up for the tourists but without much work you can get to the really ugly underbelly of grossness. We just have to be careful. That statement has nothing to do with the actual people of China, it's just a reality when you are dealing with a rapidly growing, industrialized nation. We went through it too.
So anyway, I feel like I have so much to do!
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Labels: Children, China, International Travel, Kids, Packing, Tips, Travel, Travel Necessities, Travel with Children, Travel with Kids